D E S I G N  I S  A  L I T T L E  T H I N G  A B O U T


With Imagination

︎︎︎Projects listed below
08.2024 Gipht礼物计划
Shanghai. China

Unit & Knot 模块设计



09.2023 滴滴出行
Shanghai & Beijing. China

M03 X P E N G 

原新能源车型 M O N A 内饰氛围灯交互语言设计

04.2022 滴滴出行
Shanghai & Beijing. China



怎样让顾客无顾虑、无距离地更好了解 M o n a 车型是我们需要思考的问题。


Milano, Italia

Sputnik/ 厨房电器,传统燃料烧烤炉outdoor barbecue grill collection

I designed Sputnik barbecue grill collection for SMEG’s most popular 1960s style collection.
Inspired by human’s first satellite launched by the Soviet Union, I formed it in a straightforward and smart shape.The sphere part could be divided into three pieces from top, toasting space, fuel heating part, and the drain at the bottom. Primary material: stainless steel, bakelite, and ceramic fiberboard.

#manufacture #product #furnituredesign
@Taco Langius

03.2024 Shanghai. China




2023年时值晖致成立3周年。这三年间,从Day one开始,晖致就以价值创造为目标:从销售结果导向,转向客户价值、用户增长导向。



︎︎︎Link to VISTRIS 晖致(中国)

02.2021-06.2021_Pathway of Design Futures,UK

“Under your halo” / 家庭,行动主义,身份,思辨设计,体验设计,亲密关系

Who are we in a family? Mom? Dad? Somebody's legal guardian? That sounds great. But children who live in families without these typical roles can have plenty of love as well. Besides conveying responsibility relationship and blood bond, these labelling roles categories families.

If you have ever observed, sometimes people are hurt by this invisible border, especially children.

Families are diversifying, and the proportion of non-nuclear families is gradually increasing. This situation makes it necessary and urgent for us to question the rationality of family categorisation and explore the current identification system's dark side.

My response is an identification mechanism that is different from the legal and kinship status system. Relatively, it emphasises the human difference in natural attributes and the wholeness of all family members' identity, rather than assigning roles by labelling. In the utopia, Yugoo (the device) defines each family member with a short sound note. Sound identities are not labels nor comparable characteristic, which leads to the disappearance of family boundaries.

︎︎︎Link to RCA 2021

12.2020-01.2021_Pathway of Design Futures,UK

Engram / 脑神经科学,体外设备,未来概念设计,交互,亲密关系

is a life-long accompanying organic device for recording and sharing future human's neural signals. It is designed to enable people to interact without traditional expression methods, such as language. Pei hopes it can help human-human intimacy in his dystopian scenario full of loneliness in 2050. He left the project in uncertainty and unsettling because he thinks that's where the value of projects about the future is.

#future #biotechnology #intimacy #companionship #object #artificialintelligence #interactiondesign #product @Yangxiaoxiao @Hutianhuizi

︎︎︎Link to the W.I.P show


10.2020-12.2020_Pathway of Design Future,UK

In the context of product gamification, both positive and negative impacts on us from games will be magnified a lot in the future. Game, a friend who was born at the beginning of humankind, now needs to be reconsidered, from today’s perspective.

#future #game #gamification #autonomy #morality #psycology #human #phenominology

03.2024 Shanghai. China

Tony Mok莫树锦从医40周年庆祝活动 暨 肺癌肿瘤高峰论坛
对于肺癌治疗领域来讲, 莫树锦教授是一个传奇。

致敬Tony Mok莫树锦教授的非凡人生。

︎︎︎Link to莫树锦教授获欧洲肿瘤学会颁发「终身成就奖」全球第一人将晚期肺癌治疗「个人化」 被誉为「肿瘤学传奇」- 香港中文大学医学院官网载文

Guangzhou, China 

Design Director

Z E G L is an affordable accessories company that faces young female consumers, especially Gen Z consumers. We plan to launch our offline store before the Chinese National Day on October 1, 2020.

#interiordesign #servicedesign #interactiondesign #productdesign #marketing #branding


Accessible Vertical Farming / 农业, 垃圾回收,服务设计,可持续设计,慈善

The designer wanted to change the way how society works together to achieve sustainability goal in a specific community, the landfills in Tropical countries, as the same time, find a better way to optimise current tyres recycling process. He wanted to bring marginalised population who lives around and relies on landfills into this ambitious sustainable plan.

#sustainability #landfill #tyrerecyclingprocess #mushroomindustry #garbagetrade #community #unitednations #agriculture #servicedesign #productdesign #constellation #stakeholder


Enhancing Humans / 可穿戴设备概念,战略设计 
In this project, Pei and his team put forward three hypotheses about the future, and completed a specific design challenge corresponding to one of the hypotheses.

#Wearable device #future #scenarios #memory #evolution

@Sharon Ramalingam @Cara Tao @Soobin Song @Mashal


Food Display / 结构设计,可持续发展,家用电器
is a refrigerator mechanism with simple mechanical principles, which is used to replace existing market products‘s solutions with high energy consumption and low efficiency.

#sustainablity #product #engineering #marketing

Zhongshan, China

Arch / 灯具
Pendant Light

#product #productdesign #furnituredesign #illumination #luxurybranding

Zhongshan, China

Civita/ 灯具
Pendant Light

#product #productdesign #furnituredesign #illumination #luxurybranding

Zhongshan, China

Twisting / 灯具
Pendant Light

#product #productdesign #furnituredesign #illumination #luxurybranding

03.2019-06.2019_Graduation Project
Milano, Italia

Pintu / 概念车,无人驾驶,汽车内饰, UX, UI, 服务设计

Conceptual Autonomous Vehicle
Product design&designer of the year

I got the idea of Pintu based on a fear for loss of face-to-face communication and intimacy among people in the future, when Internet of Things are so advanced that people don’t need to go out of home at all. Then I found there may be another opportunity for real world communication, which is the driverless car technology that sets people free during car trip.

#intelligentmobility #carconcept #interaction #modularity 

Milano, Italia

Relic / 奢侈品卫浴, 陶瓷,模具 

Inspired by chinese ritual culture, I designed a washbasin collection for personal cleanliness ceremony. Steps can lead to sense of time stretch and consequence. With different depth of steps involved, we can hear water dropping every time after washing, this is designed as the last part of the design. Traditional drain and plug arereplaced by a cube shape item which is transformed from traditional Chinese royal family’s container called Ding whose shape could perfectly fit the design of steps.

#ceramic #manufacture #product#furnituredesign
@Maddalena Casadei

Milano, Italia

Eterni / 陶瓷,灯具
Porcelain Lamp

Eterni lamp can create oriental philosophical atmosphere about repetition, it could also represent Wugang’s (the man in an ancient fairy tale) spirit and time passing..

#ceramic #manufacture #product#furnituredesign #illumination
@Maddalena Casadei

Haonan Pei
裴 昊楠 

+86 177 0176 0471
+86 187 1010 5982


N.1999 Beixing Rd
Chongming district,
Shanghai City,

Design Product & Design Futures
Royal College of Art
Kensington Gore

+44 7529210074

Via Santa Croce, 1
Milano, Italia
+39 3456 132 308
Pei Haonan
裴 昊楠

Design Product & Design Futures
Royal College of Art
Kensington Gore