Z E G L is an affordable accessories company that faces young female consumers, especially Gen Z consumers. We plan to launch our offline store before the Chinese National Day on October 1, 2020. Before this, Z E G L has become one of the leading companies on the Internet in the industry. We have a large number of fans and exposure. Because our merchandise volume is enormous, offline stores need to be different from regular jewellery and accessories brand stores. We expect the store design to be able to withstand huge SKUs, while at the same time, it mainly follows the humanized and pro-consumer route.

The company’s product line is very diverse. We co-branded a series of hot network IPs, such as Disney Mulan and Mickey Mouse. The company owner is an excellent manager who knows how to integrate current hot spots, and Z E G L has been keeping up with the trend.

The design requirements given by the company owner are extensive: exciting and stylish. The good side is that there are many possibilities; the negative side is that it is difficult to figure out and summarize his subjective ideas. My team started by analyzing the competitors on the market, seeking to find a unique path that suits Z E G L.

Z E G L是一家面对年轻女性消费者,尤其是Z世代消费者的平价配饰公司。我们打算在二零二零年十月一日中国国庆节之前上线自己的线下店铺。在这之前,Z E G L已经成为行业内互联网上的龙头企业之一。我们拥有大量的粉丝和曝光度。因为我们的商品成交量非常大,所以线下店铺要和常规珠宝配饰品牌的店铺有所区别。我们预期店铺设计在能够承受巨大SKU的同时,主要走人性化和亲消费者路线。

公司产品线非常的多样化。我们联名了一系列火热的网络IP,比如迪士尼花木兰和米老鼠。公司占门人是个非常懂得结合当下热点的管理者,Z E G L一直紧跟潮流。

公司拥有者给出的设计要求非常宽泛:有趣,时尚。好的方面是有很多种可能,坏的一面是很难揣摩和总结他的主观想法。我的团队从分析市面上的竞争者入手,寻求找到一条适合Z E G L自己的独特的路。


产品经理 钟祥言
设计师 胡田惠子 吴金爽 陈国祥
运营设计助理 王娅楠